Filling the lull ... with a fundraiser!
These next two weeks are going to be a little slower, but don’t worry — there’s plenty to be excited about!
Training is winding down a bit, so I’m not spending 10 hours a week on my bike. Unfortunately that means I don’t get to eat as much food. I’m a quantity person — I like to eat a lot. I’m grateful my knee pain went away, as it was starting to worry me. But now it’s tightness in my lower back. My new job has me sitting more, especially when I work at home. I need to bring back my nightly stretching routine and find ways to get more steps in. So I’m going to put more effort toward this and see how it all pays off. I’m sure I’ll know in about a month or so if it helps.
But let’s get to the meat and potatoes here: I’m opening a fundraiser for Wyoming Pathways to support our trails here in Southeast Wyoming!
Wyoming Pathways
They have a pretty sweet logo.
The coolest thing about this particular fundraiser is that the Athletic Brewing Company Two for the Trails project is supporting us cross-country riders by doubling donations we get in association with our participation to the trail system of our choice!
If you live here or visit here to hike, bike or run on the trails, that means you can benefit from all of this.
You’ve also likely heard about the Pole Mountain Trail Project: New land was purchased east of Laramie to develop trails there that will connect with the Happy Jack system. The coronavirus has put funding for this project in jeopardy — the matching funds could really make a big difference.
I know that the coronavirus and social distancing has made us all realize how much we appreciate the wonderful places we HAVE been able to visit this year. We can’t do small, enclosed places, so for a lot of us that has meant staying outside to stay safe and active.
As long as this virus is around, we’re going to see more feet and wheels out there.
That means maintenance is going to have to increase, too. And while we all sometimes forget this side of it, it’s still important nonetheless. It takes hours and lot of manpower to keep those trails in tip-top shape.
Plus — A NEW TRAIL SYSTEM, GUYS! That’s so awesome! Imagine all the fun, new adventures we’re going to have out there. All of the new challenges. All of the new views. Maybe a couple of new spills and slips, too. Dirty clothes, scuffed up knees, sunshine and smiles. It’s gonna be awesome.
So let’s do it. Here’s a link to the fundraiser page:
Share with your friends. Share with your communities. Share with your family. Let’s build upon our already world-class trail systems down here in our special corner of Wyoming.
And mark my words, when the Pole Mountain trails open, we’re going to crack open a beer and celebrate!